Black Rum Cherry Tree

(11 reviews) Write a Review

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Scientific Name:
Prunus serotina

Product Overview

Cannot Ship To:AK,CA,HI

Black Cherry - The Rose Family’s Largest Child - CANNOT SHIP TO:  AK, CA, HI

Why Black Cherry?

Black Cherry is a large native tree found throughout the United States. The tree blooms showy white flowers in the early spring, which later turn into dark pea-sized fruits in the late summer, making it the ideal addition to your landscape.

The deciduous tree, Prunus serotina, grows on moist wooded slopes and upland woods and is confined to canyons, valleys, and rich bottomlands. It prefers full sun to partial shade and can withstand heavy pruning. If grown in the right conditions, the tree grows like a weed and overtakes the landscape with greenery. 

Black Cherry is one of the most valued furniture woods in North America. It is used for making toys, handles, interior trim, and medical instruments. The fruit is edible and can be eaten raw or used in wine and jelly to add flavor. 

Black Cherry trees are highly susceptible to fire and ice damage and thus suitable for drier lands, along fencerows, and the edges of wooded areas.

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Interactive Excerpt From USDA Plant Guide


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11 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 4
    Black rum cherry tree

    Posted by Ellen on 03/22/23

    Followed directions, tree looks sturdy, need wait to see when it starts growing, can't wait

  • 5
    Wild Black Rum Cherry Tree

    Posted by Darin Dillon on 05/11/22

    Yes! I love the trees ordered plus received. I am eager to get them planted and soon see very edible fruit for eating. Thanks to all at the Tree Store for your expedience, professionalism and such wonderful products!

  • 4

    Posted by Troy W Forbus on 06/16/21

    I just got the two trees yesterday. They were alive and looked okay. They were planted this morning and I'm sure I won't know how they will do for about two weeks.

  • 4
    wild black rum cherry tree

    Posted by Rebecca Esparza on 04/18/21

    ordered 2 trees. they were 2-3 ft tall and they arrived alive and well, with bare roots and buds just starting. Planted per instructions.

  • 4
    black rum cherry

    Posted by Unknown on 04/12/21

    Tree came in very good shape and is doing well. I only wish it could have been delivered a couple of weeks sooner as .

  • 5
    Black Rum Tree

    Posted by Richard on 03/13/21

    Very well packaged and healthy Tree.

  • 5
    Perfect Conditions

    Posted by Espinoza on 10/03/20

    This is my second time buying Wild Black Cherry tree, it arrives in the season, comes dormant but alive. The package is perfect for the length of the tree, comes with a very detailed instructions to follow and the length of the tree its more than i expected. The first time i ordered my Black Cherry came with 2 free Juneberries THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️ this time around no gifts but my tree came in great conditions

  • 5
    Great Start!

    Posted by Scott Lonsberry on 04/29/20

    Bought three wild cherry trees. After soaking dry roots overnight as instructed and planting, they are ALL doing wonderfully. Very exciting to get this host tree for Yellow Swallow Tail butterfly growing at my home.

  • 5
    Wild cherry tree

    Posted by Unknown on 04/24/19

    Glad i finally found these. Easy transaction.